We'll Do It Live

It's a little out of character for me to do anything spur of the moment, and this, whatever this is, is no exception. Still, I suppose most of you are wondering about the timing, about the reasoning, about the naming and so on and so on and so on, so apologies in advance for the wall of text, but here's what's going on:

  1. Insofar as possible, I want to say what I want to say, and I want to be able to do so without fear of being banned. Blogger (the platform I'm currently using) may not be perfect, but it's better than Facebook, and it will do until I get my own server up and running. Facebook's bans are somewhat arbitrary, and apparently you can never actually get ahold of a human being to ask questions.
  2. I am tired of being treated like a cash cow, and I'm tired of seeing others being treated the same way. Facebook likes to play with our feeds to try to get pages we enjoy seeing to cough up dough, and I find the effort to be ham-fisted and tacky. I run pages for my ferrets mostly for a bit of a laugh, there's no way in Hell I'd ever pony up dough to extend the reach of their pages (or however the fuck Facebook phrases it), but there's also no "Okay I saw your come-on, and am not interested, now please fuck off" button.
  3. I've toyed with the idea of having my own platform for years, maybe if I'd gotten off my ass sooner, this would already be a fully fleshed out site.
  4. I kind of want to get back into writing. Not in any extravagant, flashy, "Oh look at me plugging away at my novel while drinking overpriced coffee prepared by underpaid baristas" kind of way, but there is something I still enjoy about putting my thoughts in print. 
  5. What's in a name? www.paigemaster.com huh? Growing up with a last name like mine, I probably heard every book related pun out there. Repeatedly. It didn't help that I was (and still am) a huge bookworm. When The Pagemaster came out, I knew what I was in for, and rather than get bent out of shape about it, I decided to roll with it. Now I'm taking it out, dusting it off, and re-using it. Also? www.timeenoughatlast.com is just a little too emo for my tastes.
So that's the swamp that eventually belched up this bloated corpse of a blog/site. What's to come? Should you subscribe? Did the Dark Tower film adaptation suck out loud? A good salesman would have a pitch all lined up and ready to go. Then again, he'd also have a product. I don't see this as a product; I don't want to sell my musings to anyone...read them or don't, it's no skin off my ass. Then again, I suppose that kind of attitude pushes this into the realm of being some sort of vanity project, and vanity writing projects are almost always crap. Ever since I threw my crystal ball out a window in a fit of pique when Trump won the Republican nomination, it's been hard to tell the future but here's a short list of things you can expect to see should you stick around:

  1. I'll break posts into topics some way. For categories, I'm thinking something like Projects (things I've made or modified), Politics, Reviews (movies, books, video games, tools/tech, and not always the latest and greatest), Rants, Ferrets, Electrical stuff
  2. Updating the artwork and layout: Using a default dark theme because it's easy on the eyes (seriously, can we move beyond small black text on a big, bright, white background?) but I need to update it to something more aligned with my tastes.
  3. Contests? If I'm gonna have subscribers, I'd like to invite them to participate somehow.
  4. Merch? It's no secret that I hate advertising, and I don't need or want to monetize this right now (or maybe ever). Then again, I could buy a lot of firecrackers and blow up pumpkins if I had cash coming in.
  5. Consistency: This is more of a "don't expect to see", actually. I'm not going to promise to post anything on any sort of consistent schedule. I may or may not also post a link on Facebook when I do post something here.
Chances are, if you're here and reading this, you probably know me, so feel free to leave a comment, tell me what you'd like to see me write about.
